Thursday, February 2, 2017

15-year-old prosecuted for the attempted murder of the school – Västerbottens Folkblad

A 15-year-old boy prosecuted the suspect for attempted murder after a fight at a high school in Trollhättan. First, a 15-year-old have shared out a strong fist in the face of a schoolmate, then he took a stranglehold to the other student lost consciousness, according to local media.

the Boy was taken into custody suspected of aggravated assault. But the prosecutor’s förstahandsyrkande in the indictment are attempts at murder. According to the indictment, there was a danger that the crime would be consummated unless the persons who intervened had interrupted the beating.

the Vänersborg district court decided not to arrest the boy because of his low age. 15-year-old was taken care of by the social authorities and was placed in a LVU-accommodation. The student who was beaten to have escaped without more serious injuries.


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