Saturday, January 17, 2015

Now the waiting for Löfven – Aftonbladet

Now the waiting for Löfven – Aftonbladet

Sifo measured on behalf of Aftonbladet confidence in the Parliamentary party leader in mid-December. The measurement would be published after the Christmas holidays. But the December agreement came between them.

Now we have a new measurement and thus know how juluppgörelsen affected confidence in the party leaders. It has increased for all who entered the settlement. But also for Jonas Sjöstedt (V).

In contrast decreases confidence weak for Jimmie Åkesson (SD) while lying still for his substitute Mattias Karlsson.

In general, the differences between December and Jan. small. At least in the short term julpakten have no significant effect on trust in the party leaders.

Stefan Löfven (S)

December: 44 percent – 9

January: 47 percent 3 +

During the latter part of last year fell confidence in the S-leader Stefan Löfven sharply. The proportion who had high or very high confidence in the S-leader and later prime minister fell by nine percentage points.

It was not so surprising. The leaves had a tough autumn. It’s made a worse choice than they want, 31 percent voted for S, not 35 as was the case. Then he formed a coalition government with narrow base, got the budget voted down, but ruled on with the Alliance’s budget base, announced the election – and blew it.

But after juluppgörelsen December 27 trusts curve turned. Now it points upward.

Even among the S-sympathizers have Löfven strengthened its position. Today, 86 percent of high or very high confidence Löfven, three percentage points more than in December.

An interesting observation is that women accounted for the increase, the percentage who have great or very great confidence increases with eleven percentage points. Among men, drops it, however. A month ago there were more men than women who had high or very high confidence Löfven. Now it’s the other way around.

The December decline is statistically significant, but not in January upswing.

Gustav Fridolin (MP)

December: 37 percent – 5

January: 38 percent + 1

As government colleague Löfven hit the male MP mouthpiece of loss of confidence in the latter part of last year. But man falls might not down dead by surprise there either. It is decades since the policy was as chaotic as then.

But now it turns slightly upward even for Fridolin.

The same phenomenon Löfven is also education minister. It is among women the proportion who have great or very great confidence increases. While the proportion of falls among men.

Even in the youngest voters’ group, the proportion with high or very high confidence. In contrast, drops the somewhat among its own voters.

December The decline is statistically significant, but not the rise in January.

Anna Kinberg Batra (M)

December: 36 percent NEW

January: 37 percent +1

Kinberg Batra is better with voters than Fredrik Reinfeldt did in the beginning of their party leaders path. The proportion who have great or very great confidence in her is bigger.

It basically looks the same among men and women. However, the proportion bit lower in the youngest voters’ group, between 18 and 29 years.

Reinfeldt had been closest to North Korean figures among the M-voters, nine out of ten had great or very great confidence in him. But to not have been party leader for more than a week is Kinberg Batra well, 71 per cent of M-voters have great or very great confidence in her. Before December settlement figure was 70th

A note is that 13 percent completely lack confidence Kinberg Batra. It is five percentage points lower than a month ago. In both cases, it looks the same to the Prime Minister Löfven.

In December, Anna Kinberg Batra not yet chosen to M-leader. The change since then is not statistically significant.

Annie Loof (C)

December: 36 percent + 14

January: 37 percent + 1

Confidence C-conductor increased sharply during the latter part of last year. She was December measurement rocket. The proportion who had great or very great confidence in her rose by 14 percentage points.

The trend has continued since julpakten of how a minority government should be formed and get its budget through parliament. But now at a slower pace.

But among C-voters sensed a grievance. In December, 93 per cent great or very great confidence in her. Now the figure is 85 percent.

When it comes to men and women is progress for Annie Loof the opposite compared to Löfven and Fridolin. A month were women who had high or very high confidence in her more than men. Now it’s the opposite. The proportion of men who have great or very great confidence in her has increased by seven percentage points.

The rise in December is statistically significant. It is not January change.

Jan Björklund (Liberal)

December: 33 percent 5

January: 35 percent + 2

Among voters generally increased confidence, both during late last year and in January, mainly among men. But they own is not as impressed.

The proportion of FP voters who have great or very great confidence Björklund has fallen by 12 percentage points since December. It’s a big change in such a short time but may be due to the poor performance of European and general elections.

40 percent of male voters today has great or very great confidence in the FP-conductor, 31 percent of the women.

The rise in December is statistically significant, but not in January.

Göran Hägglund (KD)

December: 33 percent + 6

January: 34 percent + 1

The Christian Democrats rose in European elections but backed off in the parliamentary elections. Confidence in the electorate as a whole has increased, both during late last year and in January. It made it even among their own voters last year, but the last month has been stagnant.

The rise in December measurement is statistically significant but not in January.

Jonas Sjöstedt (V)

December: 28 percent – 1

January: 31 percent + 3

At the end of last year, falling confidence weak V-conductor but since December the deal, which the Left is not included in , has increased. None of the changes are statistically significant.

The greatest confidence has Left leader among young voters.

Åsa Romson (MP)

December: 23 percent – 6

January: 25 percent + 2

The Green Party’s female voice, no flirting with voters. Less than a quarter of them had high or very high confidence after the stormy autumn, fall time was statistically significant. Now, it has increased slightly, but the increase is not significant.

Among the own voters is, however, the current Minister of the Environment homes. 83 percent have great or very great confidence in her, three percentage points lower than Fridolin. Support the troops are among young voters.

Jimmie Åkesson (SD)

December: 14 percent + 4

January: 13 percent – 1

Confidence in the Now absentee SD leader increased during the latter part of the super election year to now fall slightly. The increase was statistically significant, the decline is not.

Interestingly, the proportion of young men, the party’s base is called after all the angry young men, who have great or very great confidence Akesson is lower than among the older men. It has also dropped the last month.

Today, 15 percent of the young men great or very great confidence in him. The figure among the male 65-plus cars is 21 percent.

Mattias Karlsson (SD)

December: 7 percent NEW

January: 7 percent Unchanged

The share who has no confidence at all for Karlsson, 46 percent lower than those who think the same thing about Jimmie Akesson, 60 percent. Just as Åkesson, he goes home more in men than in women.

But the male pensioners dissar Karlsson. Nine percent have great or very great confidence.

How were the measurements: December survey was conducted between 15 and 18 December, 984 people attended. The measurement is compared with the former, in the now 20 years of age measuring series. It was made in April.

The measurement in January were between 12 and 15 January, 987 people included. In both cases a telephone interview to a nationally representative sample over 18 years.


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