Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Freedom of choice with new political regime – Swedish Radio

Freedom of choice with new political regime – Swedish Radio

today unveiled Social Democrats, the Liberal Party, the Centre Party and the Christian Democrats their plans on how Norrköping be controlled over the next four years. The new quartet would, among other things, invest in schools and increase freedom of choice in health care.

Something that has not previously been the case when the Social Democrats ruled together with the Left and Green Party.

– It may be that we develop a choice as center parties previously wanted. But where private companies are subject to the same standards of quality and control, and claim that you can not charge exorbitant profits. When we feel much calmer than before, says the Social Democrat Lars Stjernkvist.

It is not clear how one with any system should look like but centrist Carin Jonsson is not worried that they’ll find a solution:

– It is clear that this is a reversal, quite clearly. And we are thankful for. It’s good for norrköping residents, we must remove the left stamp existed. Without this, we get a lead that is more pragmatic, she says.


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