Saturday, September 27, 2014

Missed acute cell changes – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Missed acute cell changes – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Helsingborg Published September 28, 2014 at. 01:33

A woman in Skåne was told that she was healthy. But in fact, she had acute cellular changes, which took a long time to discover, writes Helsingborgs Dagblad. According to the newspaper, it was pure luck that the mistakes were not serious.

The background was that the woman had an incorrect test results. But whether the clinic or the Inspectorate of Health Care (IVO) has been able to find an explanation for why it happened. IVO directs no formal criticism following its investigation, but the representative points out that “obviously going to do it right from the beginning.”

The woman later received treatment and new checks have shown that the abnormal cells are gone.



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